• Leak How To Heal Others Through Our Brokenness Talk 1 – Fill Talk 2 – Flow Talk 3 – Flood Big Day - God Is In Your Scars  
  • January 03. 2016 Ask yourself, “How can I have an amazing year? Talk 1 Wonder Talk 2 Wish Talk 3 Work
  • June 22, 2014 In this series, we’ll ask God to transform your career, your job, your business, your entire Monday to Friday. Talk 1: Believe Talk 2: Belong Talk 3: Best
  • Unleashed Forgive and move on with your life. Talk 1 - Freeing God Talk 2 - Freeing Self Talk 3 - Freeing Others Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • TREASURES Why Remain Catholic? Talk 1 - History Talk 2 - Legacy Talk 3 - Family Big Day Part 1 Big Day Part 2 Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: Body Talk 2: Mind Talk 3: Heart Big Day: Healing Prayer
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Talk 1 - Temptation. Talk 2 - Superstition Talk 3 - Oppression Talk 4 - Big Day Part 1 Talk 5 - Big Day Part 2 Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • March 23, 2014 Experience God more. Talk 1: See Talk 2: Hear Talk 3: Touch
  • October 13, 2013 If you want to succeed, you need to learn to delete negative mental habits that pull you down instead of push you up. Talk 1: The Torture of Bitterness And Pettiness Talk 2: The Torment of Despair And Insecurities Talk 3: The Toxins of Worry And Fears
  • TABOO How To Talk About The Stuff We Don’t Want To Talk About Talk 1 - Ancestors Talk 2 - Abuse Talk 3 - Addictions BIG DAY - Learn to Laugh More
  • February 2, 2014 We share with you 4 Laws of Wealth Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship Talk 4: Wisdom
  • Imagine Your Future Now Talk 1: Imagination Talk 2: Imitation Talk 3: Implementation
  • November 8, 2009 Great Relationships are hard work. It is not always easy, but as you learn to forgive, you learn to love with all you heart. Talk 5: Forgiveness Talk 6: Self-Love Talk 7: Celebration
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • January 2, 2011 God doesn’t want you get moist. God doesn’t want you to get damp. God doesn’t want you to get a little bit wet. God wants you to get drenched by a downpour of blessings. Talk 1: See the Blessings Talk 2: Speak the Blessings Talk 3: Grow the Blessings Talk 4: Enjoy the Blessings
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • August 1, 2010 One Big Message: Learn the Magic of Giving Your All Talk 1: Give Total Talk 2: Give Time Talk 3: Give Talent Talk 4: Give Treasure
  • February 6, 2011 Spend your money on what truly matters. God wants you to enjoy wealth. But don’t enjoy it alone. Talk 1: Make 100% Talk 2: Magnify Your 10% Talk 3: Multiply Your 20% Talk 4: Manage 70%
  • iBelieve DEEP DIVE Talk 1: Created Talk 2: Redeemed Talk 3: Empowered Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • September 12, 2010 Know what you need and what would make you really happy then ask for it. Don't be afraid to ask. God knows the wish you have in your heart. Talk 1: Divine Discontent Talk 2: Wake Up Your Wish Talk 3: Flow in Abundance Talk 4: Create Your Miracles
  • FEBRUARY 08, 2015 This powerful course will deepen your understanding and love for your Catholic faith. The term “Catholic” literally translates as “all-embracing”. In this series, we hope to deepen the understanding for the Sacraments; build a personal relationship with Mama Mary and all the Saints; and to continue with our sacred mission as Catholics by developing our gifts and serving the world. Talk 1: Signs Talk 2: Models Talk 3: Family
  • APRIL 12, 2015 Unleash the Gift In You Talk 1: Xplore Talk 2: Xcel Talk 3: Xalt
  • November 28, 2010 Be the best you can ever become. Grow. Develop. Expand. And earn as much as you can! Because you’re not doing this for yourself only. You’re doing it to share. When you return to God, He restores you. Talk 1: Return Talk 2: Redefine Talk 3: Reconcile
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