• Shift to Success Make this Your Best Year Yet! 1. Productivity 2. Preparation 3. Pro-Vision
  • MARCH 08, 2015 Talk 1: Down & Out Talk 2: Up & About Talk 3: On & On When bad things happen, believe that a good God is still in charge.
  • Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
  • Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
  • November 28, 2010 Be the best you can ever become. Grow. Develop. Expand. And earn as much as you can! Because you’re not doing this for yourself only. You’re doing it to share. When you return to God, He restores you. Talk 1: Return Talk 2: Redefine Talk 3: Reconcile
  • November 8, 2009 Great Relationships are hard work. It is not always easy, but as you learn to forgive, you learn to love with all you heart. Talk 5: Forgiveness Talk 6: Self-Love Talk 7: Celebration
  • October 11, 2009 Renew your relationship with all your loved ones. Be grateful for those people for you to accept them for who they are. Spend time with them, that's all it really takes. Talk 1: Renewal Talk 2: Gratitude Talk 3: Time Talk 4: Service
  • November 2014 Today, God wants to talk about your burdens. Talk 1 God’s Burden is Light Talk 2 Closed Doors Talk 3 Shepherd
  • December 1, 2013 Learn in this series to not ask in ignorance but ask with knowledge. Talk 1: Are you Aligning Enough Talk 2: Are you Asking Enough Talk 3: Are you Acting Enough
  • Pope Culture Talk 1: Evangelii Talk 2: Encounter Talk 3: Embrace Talk 4: Enjoy Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Pope Culture Talk 1: Evangelii Talk 2: Encounter Talk 3: Embrace Talk 4: Enjoy Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • February 6, 2011 Spend your money on what truly matters. God wants you to enjoy wealth. But don’t enjoy it alone. Talk 1: Make 100% Talk 2: Magnify Your 10% Talk 3: Multiply Your 20% Talk 4: Manage 70%
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