• July 4, 2010 You need to have a healthy lifestyle. Learn to take care of your body, give it the nourishment it needs. Surround yourself with people or things that make you feel better, make you healthy as a person. Most of all, have faith. Have faith that God is with you through this. Talk 4: Nourishment Talk 5: Protection Talk 6: Faith
  • June 13, 2010 You must know that you have the power to heal yourself. Because what you feel, you can heal. All the emotional pain, physical illness and spiritual brokeness. If you fill your heart with God's love, it will all heal. Talk 1: Healer Talk 2: Emotions Talk 3: Relationships
  • May 5, 2013 The real battlefield of health isn’t outside you but inside you. The real battlefield is in your mind. If you win in the mind, you win in your body. Talk 1: Eat Talk 2: Move Talk 3: Live
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