• It’s time to break free from everything in your past. Past Issues, past guilt, past habits. Because if you change your thoughts, you change your life. Talk 1: Break Free From Past Issues Talk 2: Break Free From Past Guilt Talk 3: Break Free From Past Habits
  • October 11, 2009 Renew your relationship with all your loved ones. Be grateful for those people for you to accept them for who they are. Spend time with them, that's all it really takes. Talk 1: Renewal Talk 2: Gratitude Talk 3: Time Talk 4: Service
  • August 16, 2009 Problems, trials, obstacles, challenges, worries, troubles, mishaps, whatever you call it, these are not given to you to bring you down. You need to know and believe that problems will always work out for your good. Talk 1: Father Talk 2: Leader Talk 3: Provider Talk 4: Healer Talk 5: Defender
  • October 24, 2010 If you want to be a Life-Champion… Be Selfless. Be Tenderhearted. Be Humble. Be Faithful. Talk 1: Be Focused on People Talk 2: Be Kind to Humans Talk 3: Be Mentored by Mentors Talk 4: Be True to Your Covenants
  • August 1, 2010 One Big Message: Learn the Magic of Giving Your All Talk 1: Give Total Talk 2: Give Time Talk 3: Give Talent Talk 4: Give Treasure
  • September 12, 2010 Know what you need and what would make you really happy then ask for it. Don't be afraid to ask. God knows the wish you have in your heart. Talk 1: Divine Discontent Talk 2: Wake Up Your Wish Talk 3: Flow in Abundance Talk 4: Create Your Miracles
  • November 28, 2010 Be the best you can ever become. Grow. Develop. Expand. And earn as much as you can! Because you’re not doing this for yourself only. You’re doing it to share. When you return to God, He restores you. Talk 1: Return Talk 2: Redefine Talk 3: Reconcile
  • January 2, 2011 God doesn’t want you get moist. God doesn’t want you to get damp. God doesn’t want you to get a little bit wet. God wants you to get drenched by a downpour of blessings. Talk 1: See the Blessings Talk 2: Speak the Blessings Talk 3: Grow the Blessings Talk 4: Enjoy the Blessings
  • February 6, 2011 Spend your money on what truly matters. God wants you to enjoy wealth. But don’t enjoy it alone. Talk 1: Make 100% Talk 2: Magnify Your 10% Talk 3: Multiply Your 20% Talk 4: Manage 70%
  • J1N1

    March 13, 2011 Be spiritually contagious. Be another Jesus in the world. God gave you a mission: To make disciples. You don’t have to be a preacher, a writer, a singer. All you need to do is be a loving friend. By your friendship, they will experience God’s Love. Talk 1: Friend Them Talk 2: Serve Them Talk 3: Guide Them
  • Extreme Makeover

    June 5, 2011 Remove all that is artificial, false, and pretending, and expose your authentic beauty. God knows how beautiful you are, but He will make you even more beautiful! Talk 1: Surrender Talk 2: Serve Talk 3: Sanctify
  • Impossible

    June 10, 2012 Trust God all the way. Receive His eternal love for it will never change. Believe that your victory is permanent because God cannot fail. Talk 1: God Cannot Lie Talk 2: God Cannot Change Talk 3: God Cannot Fail
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