• August 7, 2011 By being patient, not envious and forgiving, you are loving not just the people you want to love but also the people who can't love you back. Point 1: Patience Point 2: Not Envious Point 3: Forgiving
  • September 4, 2011 Be a hero. Care for someone more than you care for yourself. In this series, you'll become more available to God’s assignment for your life. Talk 1: Nehemiah Talk 2: Daniel Talk 3: Esther Talk 4: Rahab
  • March 2, 2014 100% DETOX DETOXIFY yourself. Control your thoughts and actions and you control your feelings. For emotions are teachers. Emotions are healers. Talk 1: Toxic Feelings Talk 2: Toxic Thinkings Talk 3: Toxic Actings
  • March 23, 2014 Experience God more. Talk 1: See Talk 2: Hear Talk 3: Touch
  • June 22, 2014 In this series, we’ll ask God to transform your career, your job, your business, your entire Monday to Friday. Talk 1: Believe Talk 2: Belong Talk 3: Best
  • April 27, 2014 We all have those moments wherein we keep on praying for something, but it never gets answered. God’s message for you today is…Never give up, keep on praying. 1. View 2. Filter 3. Broadcast
  • July 20, 2014 As Bro. Bo Sanchez puts it, “It’s not the knowledge of God that will change you; it’s the experience of God that will change you. “Experience the Lord through your Happy Relationships because when our Lord loves, He gives His all. Talk 1: Brain Talk 2: Heart Talk 3: Body Big Day: Download More Love
  • August 17, 2014 The bigger your willingness to sacrifice the bigger the room for blessings Talk 1: Horror Parents Talk 2: Monster Kids Talk 3: Freaky Siblings Talk 4: Praying for a Miracle
  • APRIL 12, 2015 Unleash the Gift In You Talk 1: Xplore Talk 2: Xcel Talk 3: Xalt
  • MARCH 08, 2015 Talk 1: Down & Out Talk 2: Up & About Talk 3: On & On When bad things happen, believe that a good God is still in charge.
  • June 07, 2015 Talk 1: Add Talk 2: Subtract Talk 3: Multiply GOD wants your life to serve others. You can actually do that through a business. But some religious people look down at business.  Because in their mind, business is simply about money. So these religious folks would prefer that you remain in your job and just focus on going to Heaven. But following Jesus isn’t just about going to Heaven.  That’s a selfish spirituality. Following Jesus is about dying on the cross so that others may live. I believe that one of the ways of dying on the cross for others is by becoming an Entrepreneur. After all, Jesus was a Businessman.  
  • July 12, 2015 Are you sick and tired of the complicated, knotty, and discombobulating life you’re living? Are you sick and tired of the crazy chaos happening around you?  And are you sick and tired of the noise inside you? Are you sick and tired of the endless payments you must make, for stuff that you’ve already used and now need to be replaced? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you desire peace?  Contentment?  Simplicity? Talk 1: Treasure Talk 2: Time Talk 3: Toys Talk 4: Trust
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