• February 2, 2014 We share with you 4 Laws of Wealth Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship Talk 4: Wisdom
  • J1N1

    March 13, 2011 Be spiritually contagious. Be another Jesus in the world. God gave you a mission: To make disciples. You don’t have to be a preacher, a writer, a singer. All you need to do is be a loving friend. By your friendship, they will experience God’s Love. Talk 1: Friend Them Talk 2: Serve Them Talk 3: Guide Them
  • June 07, 2015 Talk 1: Add Talk 2: Subtract Talk 3: Multiply GOD wants your life to serve others. You can actually do that through a business. But some religious people look down at business.  Because in their mind, business is simply about money. So these religious folks would prefer that you remain in your job and just focus on going to Heaven. But following Jesus isn’t just about going to Heaven.  That’s a selfish spirituality. Following Jesus is about dying on the cross so that others may live. I believe that one of the ways of dying on the cross for others is by becoming an Entrepreneur. After all, Jesus was a Businessman.  
  • June 9, 2013 Your image of God shapes you. You become like the God that you worship. Grow in intimacy with God. Commit yourself to connect with God daily using your prayer language. Talk 1: Images Talk 2: Moments Talk 3: Languages Talk 4: Dangerous Worship
  • 2016 How To Avoid Spiritual and Emotional Death Talk 1: Sin Talk 2: Pride Talk 3: Abuse Talk 4: Mediocrity
  • Leak How To Heal Others Through Our Brokenness Talk 1 – Fill Talk 2 – Flow Talk 3 – Flood  
  • Leak How To Heal Others Through Our Brokenness Talk 1 – Fill Talk 2 – Flow Talk 3 – Flood Big Day - God Is In Your Scars  
  • Looking For Mr. and Mrs. Right Solving Our Relationship Disorders Talk 1: Disordered Perception Talk 2: Disordered Priorities Talk 3: Disordered Purity Talk 4: Disordered Acceptance Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Loud HOW TO heal hurts AND RESTORE PEACE IN YOUR FAMILY. Talk 1 - Evolution Talk 2 - Expressiom Talk 3 - Expansion Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Loud HOW TO heal hurts AND RESTORE PEACE IN YOUR FAMILY. Talk 1 - Evolution Talk 2 - Expressiom Talk 3 - Expansion Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Magnetic How To Attract the Right Person into Your Life Talk 1 – The Beauty Talk 2 – The Beast Talk 3 – The Bond  
  • January 10, 2010 Words are powerful. Words can bless or curse. Words can give light or hide the light. They define our reality. Choose your words well, especially those that you say regularly. Speak words of faith. Speak words of blessing. Speak words of truth. To your self and to others Talk 1: Speak With Faith Talk 2: Speak With Honor Talk 3: Speak With Truth
  • Miracle-Worker

    November 25, 2012 Your fantasies are powerful. Because your fantasies are pictures of your future. Your pictures of your future CREATE your future. Talk 1: Conceive Talk 2: Receive Talk 3: Achieve
  • Miracles and More Talk 1: Make Me Clean Talk 2: Make Me Believe Talk 3: Make Me Follow Talk 4: Make Me Calm Talk 5: Make Me Forgiven Talk 6: Make Me New Talk 7: Make Me Brave Talk 8: Make Me See Talk 9: Make Me Whole Special Talk: Holywin Special Available in High Res Video Files
  • Miracles and More Talk 1: Make Me Clean Talk 2: Make Me Believe Talk 3: Make Me Follow Talk 4: Make Me Calm Talk 5: Make Me Forgiven Talk 6: Make Me New Talk 7: Make Me Brave Talk 8: Make Me See Talk 9: Make Me Whole Special Talk: Holywin Special Available in High Res Video Files
  • Money, Sex, & Power

    September 9, 2012 (1) Don't love money. Love people. (2) Don’t let sex be about you. Being a great lover is all about selflessness, kindness, and tenderness. (3) Don’t be attached to your power. Use it to heal, to help, to bless, to serve. Talk 1: Holy Money Talk 2: Holy Sex Talk 3: Holy Power
  • Nation Building How To Awaken the Selfless Leader in You Talk 1: Choose a Leader Talk 2: Be a Leader Talk 3: Make a Leader Talk 4: Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Newsfeed How To Really Connect Talk 1: #NoFilter Talk 2: #Envy Talk 3: #Blessed Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Newsfeed How To Really Connect Talk 1: #NoFilter Talk 2: #Envy Talk 3: #Blessed Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • OFW Overcoming Family Worries Talk 1 - Homesick Talk 2 - Homework Talk 3 - HomeComing Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • OFW Overcoming Family Worries Talk 1 - Homesick Talk 2 - Homework Talk 3 - HomeComing Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • OG Tales Talk 1: The Story of the Sower Talk 2: Story of the Weeds & Wheat Talk 3: Story of the Treasure and the Pearl Talk 4: Story of Mustard Seed and Yeast Available in High Res Video Files
  • OG Tales Talk 1: The Story of the Sower Talk 2: Story of the Weeds & Wheat Talk 3: Story of the Treasure and the Pearl Talk 4: Story of the Mustard Seed and Yeast Available in High Res Video Files
  • August 16, 2009 Problems, trials, obstacles, challenges, worries, troubles, mishaps, whatever you call it, these are not given to you to bring you down. You need to know and believe that problems will always work out for your good. Talk 1: Father Talk 2: Leader Talk 3: Provider Talk 4: Healer Talk 5: Defender
  • 2016 “You’re on a spiritual journey. Today, God is inviting you to keep on walking. To keep on growing.” - Bo Sanchez Talk 1: Embrace Talk 2: Enable Talk 3: Encircle
  • August 4, 2013 We’ll unearth God’s treasure in our Filipino culture. Any culture is always based on our VALUES on what is important to us. That’s our real treasure. Talk 1:Pasasalamat vs. Utang Na Loob Talk 2:Pakikisama vs. Pakisama Talk 3: Pananagutan vs. Hiya Talk 4: Tiwala vs. Bahala Na
  • Talk 1: Unchangeable Talk 2: Commandment 1-4 Talk 3: Commandment 5-7 Talk 4: Commandment 8-10
  • February 6, 2011 Spend your money on what truly matters. God wants you to enjoy wealth. But don’t enjoy it alone. Talk 1: Make 100% Talk 2: Magnify Your 10% Talk 3: Multiply Your 20% Talk 4: Manage 70%
  • Pope Culture Talk 1: Evangelii Talk 2: Encounter Talk 3: Embrace Talk 4: Enjoy Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Pope Culture Talk 1: Evangelii Talk 2: Encounter Talk 3: Embrace Talk 4: Enjoy Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • December 1, 2013 Learn in this series to not ask in ignorance but ask with knowledge. Talk 1: Are you Aligning Enough Talk 2: Are you Asking Enough Talk 3: Are you Acting Enough
  • November 2014 Today, God wants to talk about your burdens. Talk 1 God’s Burden is Light Talk 2 Closed Doors Talk 3 Shepherd
  • October 11, 2009 Renew your relationship with all your loved ones. Be grateful for those people for you to accept them for who they are. Spend time with them, that's all it really takes. Talk 1: Renewal Talk 2: Gratitude Talk 3: Time Talk 4: Service
  • November 8, 2009 Great Relationships are hard work. It is not always easy, but as you learn to forgive, you learn to love with all you heart. Talk 5: Forgiveness Talk 6: Self-Love Talk 7: Celebration
  • November 28, 2010 Be the best you can ever become. Grow. Develop. Expand. And earn as much as you can! Because you’re not doing this for yourself only. You’re doing it to share. When you return to God, He restores you. Talk 1: Return Talk 2: Redefine Talk 3: Reconcile
  • Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
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