• June 22, 2014 In this series, we’ll ask God to transform your career, your job, your business, your entire Monday to Friday. Talk 1: Believe Talk 2: Belong Talk 3: Best
  • March 23, 2014 Experience God more. Talk 1: See Talk 2: Hear Talk 3: Touch
  • March 2, 2014 100% DETOX DETOXIFY yourself. Control your thoughts and actions and you control your feelings. For emotions are teachers. Emotions are healers. Talk 1: Toxic Feelings Talk 2: Toxic Thinkings Talk 3: Toxic Actings
  • September 4, 2011 Be a hero. Care for someone more than you care for yourself. In this series, you'll become more available to God’s assignment for your life. Talk 1: Nehemiah Talk 2: Daniel Talk 3: Esther Talk 4: Rahab
  • August 7, 2011 By being patient, not envious and forgiving, you are loving not just the people you want to love but also the people who can't love you back. Point 1: Patience Point 2: Not Envious Point 3: Forgiving
  • February 2, 2014 We share with you 4 Laws of Wealth Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship Talk 4: Wisdom
  • December 1, 2013 Learn in this series to not ask in ignorance but ask with knowledge. Talk 1: Are you Aligning Enough Talk 2: Are you Asking Enough Talk 3: Are you Acting Enough
  • October 13, 2013 If you want to succeed, you need to learn to delete negative mental habits that pull you down instead of push you up. Talk 1: The Torture of Bitterness And Pettiness Talk 2: The Torment of Despair And Insecurities Talk 3: The Toxins of Worry And Fears
  • November 8, 2009 Great Relationships are hard work. It is not always easy, but as you learn to forgive, you learn to love with all you heart. Talk 5: Forgiveness Talk 6: Self-Love Talk 7: Celebration
  • July 4, 2010 You need to have a healthy lifestyle. Learn to take care of your body, give it the nourishment it needs. Surround yourself with people or things that make you feel better, make you healthy as a person. Most of all, have faith. Have faith that God is with you through this. Talk 4: Nourishment Talk 5: Protection Talk 6: Faith
  • June 13, 2010 You must know that you have the power to heal yourself. Because what you feel, you can heal. All the emotional pain, physical illness and spiritual brokeness. If you fill your heart with God's love, it will all heal. Talk 1: Healer Talk 2: Emotions Talk 3: Relationships
  • January 10, 2010 Words are powerful. Words can bless or curse. Words can give light or hide the light. They define our reality. Choose your words well, especially those that you say regularly. Speak words of faith. Speak words of blessing. Speak words of truth. To your self and to others Talk 1: Speak With Faith Talk 2: Speak With Honor Talk 3: Speak With Truth
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