• Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
  • MARCH 08, 2015 Talk 1: Down & Out Talk 2: Up & About Talk 3: On & On When bad things happen, believe that a good God is still in charge.
  • Shift to Success Make this Your Best Year Yet! 1. Productivity 2. Preparation 3. Pro-Vision
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Sinking Feet and Desperate Cries Talk 3: Soiled Lips and Distant Hearts Talk 4: Saved Souls and Crazy Faith Talk 5: Unleavened Bread and False Teachings Talk 6: Unredeemed Lives and Saved Souls Talk 7: Uneasy Hearts and Unlightened Minds Talk 8: Faith and Doubt Talk 9: Death and Taxes Talk 10: Great and Simple Talk 11: Stumbling Blocks and Crippled Lives Talk 12: Searching Sheep and Restored Relationships Talk 13: Sentencing Servants and Forgiven Debts Talk 14: Marriage and Celibacy Talk 15: Commitment & Class Talk 16: Commitment and Labor Talk 17: Commitment & Service Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Sinking Feet and Desperate Cries Talk 3: Soiled Lips and Distant Hearts Talk 4: Saved Souls and Crazy Faith Talk 5: Unleavened Bread and False Teachings Talk 6: Unredeemed Lives and Saved Souls Talk 7: Uneasy Hearts and Unlightened Minds Talk 8: Faith and Doubt Talk 9: Death and Taxes Talk 10: Great and Simple Talk 11: Stumbling Blocks and Crippled Lives Talk 12: Searching Sheep and Restored Relationships Talk 13: Sentencing Servants and Forgiven Debts Talk 14: Marriage and Celibacy Talk 15: Commitment & Class Talk 16: Commitment and Labor Talk 17: Commitment & Service Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • 2016 How Saints Are Made Talk 1: Inspire Talk 2: Influence Talk 3: Ignite
  • Stages Finding God Where You Are Talk 1: Explore Talk 2: Expand Talk 3: Exact Talk 4: Exit Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • SUPERPOWER The Fire To Live a Great Life Talk 1: Friend Talk 2: Fruit Talk 3: Fire Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • SUPERPOWER The Fire To Live a Great Life Talk 1: Friend Talk 2: Fruit Talk 3: Fire Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • August 1, 2010 One Big Message: Learn the Magic of Giving Your All Talk 1: Give Total Talk 2: Give Time Talk 3: Give Talent Talk 4: Give Treasure
  • TABOO How To Talk About The Stuff We Don’t Want To Talk About Talk 1 - Ancestors Talk 2 - Abuse Talk 3 - Addictions BIG DAY - Learn to Laugh More
  • TABOO How To Talk About The Stuff We Don’t Want To Talk About Talk 1 - Ancestors Talk 2 - Abuse Talk 3 - Addictions BIG DAY - Learn to Laugh More Available in High-Res and Low-Res Video files
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