• October 24, 2010 If you want to be a Life-Champion… Be Selfless. Be Tenderhearted. Be Humble. Be Faithful. Talk 1: Be Focused on People Talk 2: Be Kind to Humans Talk 3: Be Mentored by Mentors Talk 4: Be True to Your Covenants
  • August 1, 2010 One Big Message: Learn the Magic of Giving Your All Talk 1: Give Total Talk 2: Give Time Talk 3: Give Talent Talk 4: Give Treasure
  • February 6, 2011 Spend your money on what truly matters. God wants you to enjoy wealth. But don’t enjoy it alone. Talk 1: Make 100% Talk 2: Magnify Your 10% Talk 3: Multiply Your 20% Talk 4: Manage 70%
  • August 16, 2009 Problems, trials, obstacles, challenges, worries, troubles, mishaps, whatever you call it, these are not given to you to bring you down. You need to know and believe that problems will always work out for your good. Talk 1: Father Talk 2: Leader Talk 3: Provider Talk 4: Healer Talk 5: Defender
  • June 07, 2015 Talk 1: Add Talk 2: Subtract Talk 3: Multiply GOD wants your life to serve others. You can actually do that through a business. But some religious people look down at business.  Because in their mind, business is simply about money. So these religious folks would prefer that you remain in your job and just focus on going to Heaven. But following Jesus isn’t just about going to Heaven.  That’s a selfish spirituality. Following Jesus is about dying on the cross so that others may live. I believe that one of the ways of dying on the cross for others is by becoming an Entrepreneur. After all, Jesus was a Businessman.  
  • February 2, 2014 Alamin natin ang apat na Laws of Wealth. Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship
  • February 2, 2014 We share with you 4 Laws of Wealth Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship Talk 4: Wisdom
  • February 3, 2013 Have a happy, healthy and holy relationship with money. Be set free from financial prisons in your life! Talk 1: Happy Money Talk 2: Healthy Money Talk 3: Holy Money
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