• Talk 1: God Likes Politics Talk 2: We Have Dual Citizenship Talk 3: We are World Changers Talk 4: When Jesus Becomes A King Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Burn Are You Stressed Out Talk 1: Burn In Talk 2: Burn Out Talk 3: Burn Up Available in High Res and Low Res Video File
  • Breaking News A GUIDE TO THE GOSPEL Talk 1: Gospel Talk 2: Mark Talk 3: Matthew Talk 4: Luke Talk 5: John Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Breaking News A GUIDE TO THE GOSPEL Talk 1: Gospel Talk 2: Mark Talk 3: Matthew Talk 4: Luke Talk 5: John Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Breaking Bad Talk 1: Bad Habits Talk 2: Inner Renewal Talk 3: Outer Renewal Talk 4: The Anointing Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Birth of a King Talk 1: Follow Your Leader Talk 2: You're Part of God's Story Talk 3: You're Worth I Christmas Message: You're Not Perfect, But That's Perfect for Jesus Talk 4: You've Already Won Talk 5: God Will Have The Last Say And It Will Be Good Talk 6: Walk Out Of Your Prison Talk 7: God Sees Your Greatness Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Imagine Your Future Now Talk 1: Imagination Talk 2: Imitation Talk 3: Implementation Big Day: Inspiration
  • Imagine Your Future Now Talk 1: Imagination Talk 2: Imitation Talk 3: Implementation
  • Best Preaching Ever Talk 1: Upside Down Kingdom Talk 2: The Anawim Talk 3: Saltshakers and Lampstands Talk 4: More Than A Makeover Talk 5: The Mask Called Anger Talk 6: Kill The Virus Talk 7: The Antidote Talk 8: Spicy Rotten Talk 9: New Human Talk 10: Jump Over Fences Talk 11: Cotton Candy Talk 12: This Is A Revolution Talk 13: Size Does Not Matter Talk 14: Stop Overthinking Talk 15: Eye Problem Talk 16: You're A Factory Of Miracles Talk 17: Selflessness Is The Best Way To Love Yourself Talk 18: Avoid Four Dangers Available in High Res Video Files
  • Best Preaching Ever Talk 1: Upside Down Kingdom Talk 2: The Anawim Talk 3: Saltshakers and Lampstands Talk 4: More Than A Makeover Talk 5: The Mask Called Anger Talk 6: Kill The Virus Talk 7: The Antidote Talk 8: Spicy Rotten Talk 9: New Human Talk 10: Jump Over Fences Talk 11: Cotton Candy Talk 12: This Is A Revolution Talk 13: Size Does Not Matter Talk 14: Stop Overthinking Talk 15: Eye Problem Talk 16: You're A Factory Of Miracles Talk 17: Selflessness Is The Best Way To Love Yourself Talk 18: Avoid Four Dangers Available in High Res Video Files
  • Bo’s Reflections at Half Time Talk 1: Be Loved Talk 2: Be Whole Talk 3: Be Humble Talk 4: Be Love
  • July 4, 2010 You need to have a healthy lifestyle. Learn to take care of your body, give it the nourishment it needs. Surround yourself with people or things that make you feel better, make you healthy as a person. Most of all, have faith. Have faith that God is with you through this. Talk 4: Nourishment Talk 5: Protection Talk 6: Faith
  • June 13, 2010 You must know that you have the power to heal yourself. Because what you feel, you can heal. All the emotional pain, physical illness and spiritual brokeness. If you fill your heart with God's love, it will all heal. Talk 1: Healer Talk 2: Emotions Talk 3: Relationships
  • Ascend Talk 1: Provisions & Promises Talk 2: Rain & Rescue Talk 3: Towers & Thistles Talk 4: The Mountain of God Available in High Res Video Files
  • Ascend Talk 1: Provisions & Promises Talk 2: Rain & Rescue Talk 3: Towers & Thistles Talk 4: The Mountain of God Available in High Res Video Files
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Talk 1 - Temptation. Talk 2 - Superstition Talk 3 - Oppression Talk 4 - Big Day Part 1 Talk 5 - Big Day Part 2 Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • 2016 How To Win In Every Stage Of Life Talk 1: Go Talk 2: Grow Talk 3: Glow Welcome to a life-altering series, Alive! This powerful conversation will cause a shift inyour life.
  • Acts Get Ready To Receive Power Talk 1: Power Talk 2: Problem Talk 3: Perspective Talk 5: Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video File
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