

Talk 1: Conviction
Talk 2: Communion
Talk 3: Commission
Talk 4: Commemoration

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Welcome to our brand new series, Creed.

For the next four weeks, we’ll work through our core beliefs as Jesus Followers, core beliefs written down in our ancient Creeds —Yes, there is a handful— and examine three special gifts they give us: Conviction, Communion, and Commission.

Some of you might be saying, “Can we talk about something else? Something more exciting? Why Creed? Jeepers. It sounds so… Jurassic and boring. What do these ancient Creeds have to do with my daily life? My relationships? My job? My family? My money?” Answer: Everything.

Let’s take a spiritual dive together. And ground ourselves to our faith.

Talk 1: Conviction

Talk one in our powerful new “CREED: Believers are Blessers” series entitled “CONVICTION,” we are asked the question, “What do you believe in?” Our beliefs have a great impact on our behavior, which in turn has a great impact on who we are. In this talk, we are encouraged to dig deep and examine ourselves, and we are equipped to correct any wrong convictions that hinder us from living a life in Christ.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 2: Communion

Talk Two entitled “COMMUNION” revolves around our CREED becoming the compass by which we choose those we bond with and commune with. It is through our CREED that we find our family, and where we belong.

Discussion Guides available here 

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 3: Commission

Talk Three touches on our CREED’s third gift, which is COMMISSION. As we are one COMMUNITY of Christ’s beloved, it is our CREED that defines how we live. And by this, we are held accountable not just to ourselves, but to our brothers and sisters as well.

Discussion Guides available here 

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 4: Commemoration

Talk four in our CREED series entitled “COMMEMORATION,” tells us that our creed is a marker of who God is and what God can do in our lives. And by this, we are reminded that our mess is a marker that will remind us of God’s mercy. Whatever you do, good or bad it is a marker that God is faithful in our lives.

Talk Slides available here  

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Need A Prayer?

Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, and all you have are questions, you start feeling hopeless and a bit lost. But it’s during these times that someone praying for you can give you the hope you need to go on and face life’s challenges.

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