• January 6, 2013 See your daily life from the perspective of your problems but from the position of His promises. Talk 1: Supply Talk 2: Solution Talk 3: Significance
  • February 2, 2014 Alamin natin ang apat na Laws of Wealth. Talk 1: Worth Talk 1: Work Talk 3: Worship
  • April 27, 2014 We all have those moments wherein we keep on praying for something, but it never gets answered. God’s message for you today is…Never give up, keep on praying. 1. View 2. Filter 3. Broadcast
  • Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
  • November 2014 Today, God wants to talk about your burdens. Talk 1 God’s Burden is Light Talk 2 Closed Doors Talk 3 Shepherd
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Sinking Feet and Desperate Cries Talk 3: Soiled Lips and Distant Hearts Talk 4: Saved Souls and Crazy Faith Talk 5: Unleavened Bread and False Teachings Talk 6: Unredeemed Lives and Saved Souls Talk 7: Uneasy Hearts and Unlightened Minds Talk 8: Faith and Doubt Talk 9: Death and Taxes Talk 10: Great and Simple Talk 11: Stumbling Blocks and Crippled Lives Talk 12: Searching Sheep and Restored Relationships Talk 13: Sentencing Servants and Forgiven Debts Talk 14: Marriage and Celibacy Talk 15: Commitment & Class Talk 16: Commitment and Labor Talk 17: Commitment & Service Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • June 13, 2010 You must know that you have the power to heal yourself. Because what you feel, you can heal. All the emotional pain, physical illness and spiritual brokeness. If you fill your heart with God's love, it will all heal. Talk 1: Healer Talk 2: Emotions Talk 3: Relationships
  • April 7, 2013 People are desperate for real leaders. In this brilliant series, Follow Me, you’ll learn how to become a phenomenal leader without a title. Talk 1: Clarity Talk 2: Humility Talk 3: Loyalty
  • August 4, 2013 We’ll unearth God’s treasure in our Filipino culture. Any culture is always based on our VALUES on what is important to us. That’s our real treasure. Talk 1:Pasasalamat vs. Utang Na Loob Talk 2:Pakikisama vs. Pakisama Talk 3: Pananagutan vs. Hiya Talk 4: Tiwala vs. Bahala Na
  • May 10, 2015 Katanungan: Nagtitiwala ka ba sa Diyos? Kung OO, pinagkalooban ka ng Diyos ng Kasuotang Pandigma. Talk 1: Battle Born Talk 2: Weapons Wise Talk 3: Victory Verged
  • May 5, 2013 The real battlefield of health isn’t outside you but inside you. The real battlefield is in your mind. If you win in the mind, you win in your body. Talk 1: Eat Talk 2: Move Talk 3: Live
  • Best Preaching Ever Talk 1: Upside Down Kingdom Talk 2: The Anawim Talk 3: Saltshakers and Lampstands Talk 4: More Than A Makeover Talk 5: The Mask Called Anger Talk 6: Kill The Virus Talk 7: The Antidote Talk 8: Spicy Rotten Talk 9: New Human Talk 10: Jump Over Fences Talk 11: Cotton Candy Talk 12: This Is A Revolution Talk 13: Size Does Not Matter Talk 14: Stop Overthinking Talk 15: Eye Problem Talk 16: You're A Factory Of Miracles Talk 17: Selflessness Is The Best Way To Love Yourself Talk 18: Avoid Four Dangers Available in High Res Video Files
  • GOD MYTHOLOGY Fallacies That Fool You from Living Life to the Full Talk 1 – Be Good and I'll Love You Talk 2 – I'll Solve All Your Problems Talk 3 – To Be Holy Be Less Human Talk 4 - Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Miracle-Worker

    November 25, 2012 Your fantasies are powerful. Because your fantasies are pictures of your future. Your pictures of your future CREATE your future. Talk 1: Conceive Talk 2: Receive Talk 3: Achieve
  • Ang seryeng ito ay para sayo, at sa bawat Pilipino, saan mang dako ng mundo ka naroroon. Layunin ng seryeng ito na hamunin ang sambayanang Pilipino na tugunan ang misyon na ipinagkatiwala sa kanila ng ating Ama. Gusto mo ba ng tunay na Kagalakan? Nais mo bang maramdaman ang tunay na Kaligayahan? Nawa ay maging gabay ito sa iyong sagot: “Never be comfortable, always be heartbroken” Talk 1:  No ID, No Entry Talk 2:  Halo-Halo Espesyal Talk 3:  Rakenrol
  • J1N1

    March 13, 2011 Be spiritually contagious. Be another Jesus in the world. God gave you a mission: To make disciples. You don’t have to be a preacher, a writer, a singer. All you need to do is be a loving friend. By your friendship, they will experience God’s Love. Talk 1: Friend Them Talk 2: Serve Them Talk 3: Guide Them
  • Miracles and More Talk 1: Make Me Clean Talk 2: Make Me Believe Talk 3: Make Me Follow Talk 4: Make Me Calm Talk 5: Make Me Forgiven Talk 6: Make Me New Talk 7: Make Me Brave Talk 8: Make Me See Talk 9: Make Me Whole Special Talk: Holywin Special Available in High Res Video Files
  • December 1, 2013 Learn in this series to not ask in ignorance but ask with knowledge. Talk 1: Are you Aligning Enough Talk 2: Are you Asking Enough Talk 3: Are you Acting Enough
  • Money, Sex, & Power

    September 9, 2012 (1) Don't love money. Love people. (2) Don’t let sex be about you. Being a great lover is all about selflessness, kindness, and tenderness. (3) Don’t be attached to your power. Use it to heal, to help, to bless, to serve. Talk 1: Holy Money Talk 2: Holy Sex Talk 3: Holy Power
  • Talk 1: Hope Talk 2: Encouragement Talk 3: Aspiration Talk 4: Love Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • OG Tales Talk 1: The Story of the Sower Talk 2: Story of the Weeds & Wheat Talk 3: Story of the Treasure and the Pearl Talk 4: Story of Mustard Seed and Yeast Available in High Res Video Files
  • Ways of the Saints Talk 1: Hagios Talk 2: Tselem Talk 3: Kenosis Talk 4: Theotokos Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • July 4, 2010 You need to have a healthy lifestyle. Learn to take care of your body, give it the nourishment it needs. Surround yourself with people or things that make you feel better, make you healthy as a person. Most of all, have faith. Have faith that God is with you through this. Talk 4: Nourishment Talk 5: Protection Talk 6: Faith
  • Miracles and More Talk 1: Make Me Clean Talk 2: Make Me Believe Talk 3: Make Me Follow Talk 4: Make Me Calm Talk 5: Make Me Forgiven Talk 6: Make Me New Talk 7: Make Me Brave Talk 8: Make Me See Talk 9: Make Me Whole Special Talk: Holywin Special Available in High Res Video Files
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