• Nation Building How To Awaken the Selfless Leader in You Talk 1: Choose a Leader Talk 2: Be a Leader Talk 3: Make a Leader Talk 4: Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Courage

    Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Talk 1: Courageous Obedience Talk 2: Courageous Faith Talk 3: Courageous Love Talk 4: Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Stages Finding God Where You Are Talk 1: Explore Talk 2: Expand Talk 3: Exact Talk 4: Exit Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Looking For Mr. and Mrs. Right Solving Our Relationship Disorders Talk 1: Disordered Perception Talk 2: Disordered Priorities Talk 3: Disordered Purity Talk 4: Disordered Acceptance Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • G From Paycheck To Purpose Talk 1: Gift Talk 2: Goal Talk 3: Grit Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • iBelieve DEEP DIVE Talk 1: Created Talk 2: Redeemed Talk 3: Empowered Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Breaking News A GUIDE TO THE GOSPEL Talk 1: Gospel Talk 2: Mark Talk 3: Matthew Talk 4: Luke Talk 5: John Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Newsfeed How To Really Connect Talk 1: #NoFilter Talk 2: #Envy Talk 3: #Blessed Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • OFW Overcoming Family Worries Talk 1 - Homesick Talk 2 - Homework Talk 3 - HomeComing Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Loud HOW TO heal hurts AND RESTORE PEACE IN YOUR FAMILY. Talk 1 - Evolution Talk 2 - Expressiom Talk 3 - Expansion Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Fullness Begin with the AND in Mind Talk 1 - Goals And Gratitude Talk 2 - Self-Love and Selflessness Talk 3 - Sacred and Secular Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • G From Paycheck To Purpose Talk 1: Gift Talk 2: Goal Talk 3: Grit Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • iBelieve DEEP DIVE Talk 1: Created Talk 2: Redeemed Talk 3: Empowered Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Bleedership LET GOD LEAD Talk 1: Light Talk 2: Lose Talk 3: Limp Talk 4: Link Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Breaking News A GUIDE TO THE GOSPEL Talk 1: Gospel Talk 2: Mark Talk 3: Matthew Talk 4: Luke Talk 5: John Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Newsfeed How To Really Connect Talk 1: #NoFilter Talk 2: #Envy Talk 3: #Blessed Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • SUPERPOWER The Fire To Live a Great Life Talk 1: Friend Talk 2: Fruit Talk 3: Fire Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • SUPERPOWER The Fire To Live a Great Life Talk 1: Friend Talk 2: Fruit Talk 3: Fire Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • WorkaHOLYc Taking Charge of the Daily Grind Talk 1: Success Talk 2: Significance Talk 3: Spirituality Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • TREASURES Why Remain Catholic? Talk 1 - History Talk 2 - Legacy Talk 3 - Family Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Is Your Life Based On a Lie? Talk 1: Identification Talk 2: Imagination Talk 3: Information
  • Imagine Your Future Now Talk 1: Imagination Talk 2: Imitation Talk 3: Implementation
  • Unleashed Forgive and move on with your life. Talk 1 - Freeing God Talk 2 - Freeing Self Talk 3 - Freeing Others Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • OFW Overcoming Family Worries Talk 1 - Homesick Talk 2 - Homework Talk 3 - HomeComing Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Unleashed Forgive and move on with your life. Talk 1 - Freeing God Talk 2 - Freeing Self Talk 3 - Freeing Others Talk 4 - Big Day   Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Loud HOW TO heal hurts AND RESTORE PEACE IN YOUR FAMILY. Talk 1 - Evolution Talk 2 - Expressiom Talk 3 - Expansion Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Fullness Begin with the AND in Mind Talk 1 - Goals And Gratitude Talk 2 - Self-Love and Selflessness Talk 3 - Sacred and Secular Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • GOD MYTHOLOGY Fallacies That Fool You from Living Life to the Full Talk 1 – Be Good and I'll Love You Talk 2 – I'll Solve All Your Problems Talk 3 – To Be Holy Be Less Human Talk 4 - Big Day Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Leak How To Heal Others Through Our Brokenness Talk 1 – Fill Talk 2 – Flow Talk 3 – Flood Big Day - God Is In Your Scars  
  • Angels and Demons WELCOME to our explosive series, Angels and Demons. In these next four weeks, we will learn how to ght our spiritual enemies and win. Talk 1 is about Temptation. Talk 2 is about Superstition. We’ll also learn answers to the question, “What should we do with the Horoscope, Palm Reading, Feng Shui, and Harry Pottter?” And Talk 3, is about Oppression. Is there such a thing called “Spiritual Oppression” where demons make our life dicult? Talk 1 - Temptation. Talk 2 - Superstition Talk 3 - Oppression Talk 4 - Big Day Part 1 Talk 5 - Big Day Part 2 Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • TABOO How To Talk About The Stuff We Don’t Want To Talk About Talk 1 - Ancestors Talk 2 - Abuse Talk 3 - Addictions BIG DAY - Learn to Laugh More Available in High-Res and Low-Res Video files
  • Full I Have Everything I Need Talk 1 - Produce Talk 2 - Protect Talk 3 - Proliferate Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Full I Have Everything I Need Talk 1 - Produce Talk 2 - Protect Talk 3 - Proliferate
  • TREASURES Why Remain Catholic? Talk 1 - History Talk 2 - Legacy Talk 3 - Family Big Day Part 1 Big Day Part 2 Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
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