Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Talk 1: Bad Habits
Talk 2: Inner Renewal
Talk 3: Outer Renewal
Talk 4: The Anointing

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Some bad habits poison the body, other bad habits poison the heart – like gossip, greed, apathy, self-loathing…

We have bad habits that we badly need to break. At the end of this revolutionary series, you will learn how to overcome bad habits  and learn how to create new ones.

Talk 1: Bad Habits

As images of God, we’re supposed to act like God. But when sin enters into the picture, we act like beasts. We engage in battles that aren’t worth fighting for and end up becoming beasts – clawing, roaring, hurting our loved ones, and, in the process, getting ourselves hurt too.

Through this talk, you will learn how to open yourself up to God’s power, and learn to be like Jesus and look like Jesus.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 2: Inner Renewal

In Talk Two of our “BREAKING BAD” series, “INNER RENEWAL” teaches us that change comes from within. God is changing you, working within you, enabling you to better yourself, and eventually break free from the things that are breaking you.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 3: Outer Renewal

Talk three of our BREAKING BAD series entitled OUTER RENEWAL speaks of how God needs to recreate our outside world in order for Him to work within and recreate us too. It highlights the need to turn everything over to Him, in order to break free.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 4: The Annointing

In the big day special of the explosive BREAKING BAD series entitled WHATEVER IT TAKES, we learn how the Holy Spirit empowers us to break free from the bad habits that are breaking us, destroying relationships, inhibiting our growth, and stealing our peace. It highlights the need to break free in order for us to live free.

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