• Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: The Prophet Who Won't Preach Talk 2: Sleeping On Stormy Seas Talk 3: In the Belly of the Beast Talk 4: Reluctant Preaching vs. Repentant People Talk 5: When God's Goodness Doesn't Feel Good Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: The Prophet Who Won't Preach Talk 2: Sleeping On Stormy Seas Talk 3: In the Belly of the Beast Talk 4: Reluctant Preaching vs. Repentant People Talk 5: When God's Goodness Doesn't Feel Good Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Miracle-Worker

    November 25, 2012 Your fantasies are powerful. Because your fantasies are pictures of your future. Your pictures of your future CREATE your future. Talk 1: Conceive Talk 2: Receive Talk 3: Achieve
  • Vampires

    October 28, 2012 You and I have them. We all do. Let's deal with them in such a way that will bless them and bless you as well. Part 1: How To Spot a Vampire Part 2: How To Protect Yourself From A Vampire Part 3: How To Transform A Vampire
  • Extreme Makeover

    June 5, 2011 Remove all that is artificial, false, and pretending, and expose your authentic beauty. God knows how beautiful you are, but He will make you even more beautiful! Talk 1: Surrender Talk 2: Serve Talk 3: Sanctify
  • Money, Sex, & Power

    September 9, 2012 (1) Don't love money. Love people. (2) Don’t let sex be about you. Being a great lover is all about selflessness, kindness, and tenderness. (3) Don’t be attached to your power. Use it to heal, to help, to bless, to serve. Talk 1: Holy Money Talk 2: Holy Sex Talk 3: Holy Power
  • J1N1

    March 13, 2011 Be spiritually contagious. Be another Jesus in the world. God gave you a mission: To make disciples. You don’t have to be a preacher, a writer, a singer. All you need to do is be a loving friend. By your friendship, they will experience God’s Love. Talk 1: Friend Them Talk 2: Serve Them Talk 3: Guide Them
  • June 13, 2010 You must know that you have the power to heal yourself. Because what you feel, you can heal. All the emotional pain, physical illness and spiritual brokeness. If you fill your heart with God's love, it will all heal. Talk 1: Healer Talk 2: Emotions Talk 3: Relationships
  • UNLI

    October 7, 2012 God wants you to think of your rewards. When the going gets tough, think of your rewards. When you’re filled with disappointments, think of your rewards. When you feel like you can’t take another step, think of your rewards. Talk 1: Effective Rewards Talk 2: Earthly Rewards Talk 3: Eternal Rewards
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