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    July 8, 2012 God prioritizes your relationship with Him. Go do the same. Prioritize your relationships. Make relationships your win in life Talk 1: Friend Talk 2: Like Talk 3: Invite
  • Talk 1: The Prophet Who Won't Preach Talk 2: Sleeping On Stormy Seas Talk 3: In the Belly of the Beast Talk 4: Reluctant Preaching vs. Repentant People Talk 5: When God's Goodness Doesn't Feel Good Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • UNLI

    October 7, 2012 God wants you to think of your rewards. When the going gets tough, think of your rewards. When you’re filled with disappointments, think of your rewards. When you feel like you can’t take another step, think of your rewards. Talk 1: Effective Rewards Talk 2: Earthly Rewards Talk 3: Eternal Rewards
  • TABOO How To Talk About The Stuff We Don’t Want To Talk About Talk 1 - Ancestors Talk 2 - Abuse Talk 3 - Addictions BIG DAY - Learn to Laugh More Available in High-Res and Low-Res Video files
  • October 24, 2010 If you want to be a Life-Champion… Be Selfless. Be Tenderhearted. Be Humble. Be Faithful. Talk 1: Be Focused on People Talk 2: Be Kind to Humans Talk 3: Be Mentored by Mentors Talk 4: Be True to Your Covenants
  • Impossible

    June 10, 2012 Trust God all the way. Receive His eternal love for it will never change. Believe that your victory is permanent because God cannot fail. Talk 1: God Cannot Lie Talk 2: God Cannot Change Talk 3: God Cannot Fail
  • June 9, 2013 Your image of God shapes you. You become like the God that you worship. Grow in intimacy with God. Commit yourself to connect with God daily using your prayer language. Talk 1: Images Talk 2: Moments Talk 3: Languages Talk 4: Dangerous Worship
  • Pope Culture Talk 1: Evangelii Talk 2: Encounter Talk 3: Embrace Talk 4: Enjoy Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
  • Best Preaching Ever Talk 1: Upside Down Kingdom Talk 2: The Anawim Talk 3: Saltshakers and Lampstands Talk 4: More Than A Makeover Talk 5: The Mask Called Anger Talk 6: Kill The Virus Talk 7: The Antidote Talk 8: Spicy Rotten Talk 9: New Human Talk 10: Jump Over Fences Talk 11: Cotton Candy Talk 12: This Is A Revolution Talk 13: Size Does Not Matter Talk 14: Stop Overthinking Talk 15: Eye Problem Talk 16: You're A Factory Of Miracles Talk 17: Selflessness Is The Best Way To Love Yourself Talk 18: Avoid Four Dangers Available in High Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: Unchangeable Talk 2: Commandment 1-4 Talk 3: Commandment 5-7 Talk 4: Commandment 8-10
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • OG Tales Talk 1: The Story of the Sower Talk 2: Story of the Weeds & Wheat Talk 3: Story of the Treasure and the Pearl Talk 4: Story of the Mustard Seed and Yeast Available in High Res Video Files
  • Ascend Talk 1: Provisions & Promises Talk 2: Rain & Rescue Talk 3: Towers & Thistles Talk 4: The Mountain of God Available in High Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: Hope Talk 2: Encouragement Talk 3: Aspiration Talk 4: Love Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Sinking Feet and Desperate Cries Talk 3: Soiled Lips and Distant Hearts Talk 4: Saved Souls and Crazy Faith Talk 5: Unleavened Bread and False Teachings Talk 6: Unredeemed Lives and Saved Souls Talk 7: Uneasy Hearts and Unlightened Minds Talk 8: Faith and Doubt Talk 9: Death and Taxes Talk 10: Great and Simple Talk 11: Stumbling Blocks and Crippled Lives Talk 12: Searching Sheep and Restored Relationships Talk 13: Sentencing Servants and Forgiven Debts Talk 14: Marriage and Celibacy Talk 15: Commitment & Class Talk 16: Commitment and Labor Talk 17: Commitment & Service Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Righteousness vs Repentance Talk 3: Greed vs Generosity Talk 4: Invited vs Chosen Talk 5: God vs Emperor Talk 6: Death vs Resurrection Talk 7: Love vs Love Talk 8: Master vs Servant Talk 9: Superficial Spirituality vs Genuine Humility Talk 10: Tearing Down vs Coming Down Talk 11: Foolish vs Wise Talk 12: Stewardship vs Negligence Talk 13: Sheep and Goats Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: Anointed Talk 2: Betrayed Talk 3: Denied Talk 4: Crushed Talk 5: Arrested Talk 6: Condemned Talk 7: Crucified Talk 8: Resurrected Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: The Prophet Who Won't Preach Talk 2: Sleeping On Stormy Seas Talk 3: In the Belly of the Beast Talk 4: Reluctant Preaching vs. Repentant People Talk 5: When God's Goodness Doesn't Feel Good Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Rhythms of Grace Talk 1: A Hammer That Heals Talk 2: A Road That Gives Rest Talk 3: A Lord That Acts Talk 4: The Lord That Saves Talk 5: A Demand That Reveals Available in High Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: Severed Head and Hungry Crowd Talk 2: Righteousness vs Repentance Talk 3: Greed vs Generosity Talk 4: Invited vs Chosen Talk 5: God vs Emperor Talk 6: Death vs Resurrection Talk 7: Love vs Love Talk 8: Master vs Servant Talk 9: Superficial Spirituality vs Genuine Humility Talk 10: Tearing Down vs Coming Down Talk 11: Foolish vs Wise Talk 12: Stewardship vs Negligence Talk 13: Sheep and Goats Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Talk 1: Anointed Talk 2: Betrayed Talk 3: Denied Talk 4: Crushed Talk 5: Arrested Talk 6: Condemned Talk 7: Crucified Talk 8: Resurrected Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • Ascend Talk 1: Provisions & Promises Talk 2: Rain & Rescue Talk 3: Towers & Thistles Talk 4: The Mountain of God Available in High Res Video Files
  • Talk 1: You're Very Good Talk 2: Step On The Serpent Talk 3: Your God Weeps Talk 4: Blessed To Be A Blessing Talk 5: You Never Graduate From Trusting God Talk 6: You're Already Blessed Talk 7: Let God Win Talk 8: The Lord Is With You! Talk 9: God Turns Curse Into Blessing Available in High-Resolution Video Files
  • G From Paycheck To Purpose Talk 1: Gift Talk 2: Goal Talk 3: Grit Available in High Res and Low Res Video Files
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