
Talk 1: Anointed
Talk 2: Betrayed
Talk 3: Denied
Talk 4: Crushed
Talk 5: Arrested
Talk 6: Condemned
Talk 7: Crucified
Talk 8: Resurrected

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The Process & Passion to Completion

Talk 1: Anointed

We are still on the study of the Gospel according to Matthew. After the long-running Feast Talk series The Clash,  today, we start a new Feast Talk Series  titled Fulfilled, based on Matthew 26— about the steps that yes, fulfilled, Jesus’ mission toward the Cross.

Talk 1 is titled Anointed— yes, the first step, how Jesus started His way to Calvary.

Talk 2: Betrayed

For the past two years, we’ve been unpacking the Gospel of Matthew.

After the long-running Feast Talk series The Clash, last Sunday, January 16, 2022, today, we started a new Feast Talk Series  titled Fulfilled, based on Matthew 26— about the steps that yes, fulfilled, Jesus’ mission toward the Cross.

Talk 1, titled Anointed— was, yes, about the first step, how Jesus started His way to Calvary.

Today, in Talk 2 of Fulfilled, titled Betrayed—we arrive at the start of the climax: The last meal of Jesus with His disciples before He dies.

The key message: God wants you to eat and drink His love.

Talk 3: Denied

We’re in our new Feast Talk Series titled Fulfilled.  Based on Matthew 26, the series is about the steps that yes, fulfilled Jesus’s mission toward the Cross.

Talk 1, titled Anointed, was about the first step– how Jesus started His way to Calvary.

Next, we discussed Talk 2 of Fulfilled, titled Betrayed—we arrive at the start of the climax: The last meal of Jesus with His disciples before He dies.

Today, we tackle Talk 3, titled Denied—how Peter the Apostle sadly fails to acknowledge that he is part of Jesus’ team. What’s Jesus’ response to this painful denial?

The key message: God still trusts you.

Talk 4:  Crushed

For the past two years, we’ve been unpacking the Gospel of Matthew.

After the long-running Feast Talk series The Clash, we now have a new Feast Talk Series titled Fulfilled, based on Matthew 26— about the steps that yes, fulfilled, Jesus’ mission toward the Cross.

Talk 1, titled Anointed, was about the first step, how Jesus started His way to Calvary.

Talk 2 of Fulfilled, titled Betrayed, was about how we arrive at the start of the climax of His journey: The last meal of Jesus with His disciples before He dies.

Talk 3, titled Denied, was about how Peter the Apostle sadly fails to acknowledge that he is part of Jesus’ team– and Jesus’ response to this painful denial.

Talk 4, titled Crushed, continues the pain—getting more severe—as Jesus shows He is Man yes, crushed during His Agony in the Garden. So, we can relate with Him, understand Him better, and thus we will be able to do what He wants us to do.

The key message: “Want what God wants.”

Talk 5: Arrested

News Flash: We’re about to end our long-running study of the Gospel of Matthew. Four more talks and we’re done.

In the past four weeks, we’ve been unpacking Matthew 26 in our Feast Talk series titled Fulfilled — about the steps that yes, fulfilled, Jesus’ mission toward the Cross.

The next last four talks are focusing on the big message of Matthew’s Gospel: Jesus is an Upside-Down King building an Upside-Down Kingdom.

Why is Jesus an upside-down King?

Think about it: His throne is His Cross; His crucifixion is His coronation; His execution is His exaltation.

Today, Talk 5 of Fulfilled, is titled Arrested—yes, when finally Jesus was apprehended by armed men sent by the leading priests and elders as He was identified by Judas through a kiss.

The key message: Protect your Kiss.

Talk 6: Condemned

We’re in the climax in the Book of Matthew.

We tackle Talk 6 of our Feast series Fulfilled, titled Condemned, as it is about the time when Pilate sentences Jesus to death.

Talk 6 presents those four responsible for the execution of Jesus and how they deal with their guilt— four ways we may also be dealing with our own guilt.

The key message: Get up.

Talk 7: Crucified

We’re almost at the end of the road of our study of Matthew. We’re ending the series by revisiting the death of Jesus.

Talk 7 Crucified answers the following questions:

  • I dont understand how Jesus died for my sins.
  • “Can’t God just forgive me without Jesus dying on the Cross?” 
  • How can you follow a God who kills His own Son?

The key message: God wants to love through you.

Talk 8: Resurrected

This is the last talk of our series on the Gospel of Matthew.

We’ve camped here for 26 long months—and it’s been beautiful.

But it’s now time to fold up our tents and move out.

Today, there’s so much darkness around us. Fears of World War III loom as Russia began a battle with Ukraine.

Our Feast Talk, Talk 8 of our series Fulfilled, is titled Resurrected—yes, focusing on the Gospel about the Resurrection– our Lord Jesus rising from death and coming out of His dark tomb.

In the middle of our darkness, the key message of Talk 8, as the Gospel on the Resurrection proclaims: “Your story is not over.”


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