Feels (Taglish)

Talk 1: Shame
Talk 2: Fear
Talk 3: Anger
Talk 4: Sadness
Talk 5: Jealousy
Talk 6: Happiness

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Why Your Emotions Matter

Talk 1: Shame

WELCOME to our brand-new Feast Talk series for May 2024, titled

FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.

When it comes to our feelings, we have two big problems: We have trouble labeling them, andwe have trouble leading them. Labeling means identifying them. Naming them. Discerning them.  For a lot of people, their feelings remain one giant, convoluted, chaotic blur. Sadly, when you cannot label your feelings, you cannot lead them well.

The goal of our 5-part teaching series?  To learn how to lead your emotions better, so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

Talk 1 is titled Shame.
Shame is the intensely painful feeling of believing you are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.

Shame signals that your identity is being threatened. Every emotion carries a special gift. And what is the gift of shame? To tell you that something is threatening your identity and needs your attention.

The key message of Talk 1 is You are already loved.

Talk 2: Fear

WE continue our brand-new Feast Talk series for May 2024, titled FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.
The goal of our 5-part teaching series is: To learn how to lead your emotions better so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

Talk 1 is titled Shame. Shame is the intensely painful feeling of believing you are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.

The key message of Talk 1 is You are already loved.

In Talk 2 of our series, we explore fear. What is fear? And how does God want us to deal with fear?

The message of Talk 2 is: God’s Love Is Your Safe Place.

Talk 3: Anger

WE continue our Feast Talk series for May 2024,
titled FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.
The goal of our 5-part teaching series is: To learn how to lead your emotions better so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

Talk 1 Shame is about believing you are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.

The key message of Talk 1 is You are already loved.

Talk 2 Fear is about how God wants us to deal with fear.
The message of Talk 2 is God’s Love Is Your Safe Place.

Talk 3 is about Anger. Anger doesn’t feel good-so, many see anger as a bad emotion. But like Shame and Fear, Anger becomes bad when we manage it badly.

The key message of Talk 3 is Be angry but do not sin.

Talk 4: Sadness

WE continue our Feast Talk series for May 2024,
titled FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.

The goal of our 5-part teaching series is: To learn how to lead your emotions better so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

Talk 1 Shame is about believing you are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.

The key message of Talk 1 is You are already loved.
Talk 2 Fear is about how God wants us to deal with fear.

The message of Talk 2 is God’s Love Is Your Safe Place.

Talk 3 is about Anger. Anger doesn’t feel good so, many see anger as a bad emotion. But like Shame and Fear, Anger becomes bad when we manage it badly.

The key message of Talk 3 is Be angry but do not sin.

Talk 4 is about Sadness. A lot of people try to get rid of sadness. But like other emotions we have studied, sadness brings us special gifts.

The key message of Talk 4 is The Lord heals the broken.

Talk 5: Jealousy

WE are now in Talk 5 of our Feast Talk series for May 2024, titled FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.

The goal of our 5-part teaching series is: To learn how to lead your emotions better so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

We already tackled four talks: Talk 1 about Shame; Talk 2 Fear; Talk 3: Anger, and Talk 4: Sadness.

The topic of Talk 5 is Jealousy.

Jealousy is not just that nervous feeling when we see our romantic partner get attracted to someone else. It’s broader than that. Jealousy is that uncomfortable feeling of seeing someone have something you want but don’t have.

It may be a bad feeling. But like the other emotions we have studied, Jealousy brings us special gifts.

The key message of Talk 5 is Entrust your desires to God.

Talk 6: Happiness

WELCOME to the conclusion of our transformational series, FEEL.

The goal of our teaching series is: To learn how to lead your emotions better so that you can love God, love others, and love yourself more.

We already tackled the five talks: Talk 1 about Shame; Talk 2 Fear; Talk 3: Anger; Talk 4: Sadness; and Talk 5 is Jealousy.

We add the conclusion: Talk 6: Happiness

What is happiness?

Here’s a simple definition. Happiness is a feeling of goodness. We experience through the many simple joys of life.

But there is also a happiness that is so much deeper called overflowing joy.

The key message of Talk 6 is Taste and see that the LORD is good. (Psalms 34:8 NLT)

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