Wilderness (Taglish)

Talk 1: God Is with You in Your Wilderness
Talk 2: Move When God Moves
Talk 3: Stop Complaining– Start Trusting
Talk 4: Listen to God’s Voice
Talk 5: Celebrate Your Appointment
Talk 6: Move On—God Is with You!
Talk 7: God Turns Curses into Blessings
Talk 8: Discern God’s Heart

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Lessons and Inspiration from the Book of Numbers

Talk 1: God Is with You in Your Wilderness

We begin a new series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

BRIEF RECAP: Joseph, the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons, could interpret dreams. He dreamt that his brothers would bow to him. Hating Joseph for his dream, the brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, Joseph interpreted a dream of Egypt’s Pharaoh that there would be a seven-year worldwide famine. So, the Pharaoh made Joseph second in command in Egypt to stockpile grains in preparation for the famine.

The famine happened and learning that Egypt had food, the Israelites migrated to Egypt.

In time, after Joseph’s death, succeeding Pharaohs subjugated the Israelites who became slaves in Egypt for close to 400 years –until the time of Moses who was sent by God to set the Israelites free.

In the book of Numbers, we see the Israelites out of Egypt, now on their way to the land God promised them.

Why is it called Numbers?

Bro. Bo Sanchez pointed out: “Because two times in this book, in Chapters 1 and 26, God commanded Moses to take a census of all the people. So, literally, the people were numbered.

“Numbers is the newer title for the book. In Hebrew, the book was called Bammidbar, which means, In the Wilderness. And that’s where we got the title of our teaching series.”

Talk 1 is about how God took care of the Israelites throughout their journey. The key message is God Is with You in Your Wilderness.

In our most difficult times, we are not alone. God is with us.

Talk 2: Move When God Moves

We continue our new series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

Just in case there are members who are not familiar with this story, start with this BRIEF RECAP:

Joseph, the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons, could interpret dreams. He dreamt that his brothers would bow to him. Hating Joseph for his dream, the brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, Joseph interpreted a dream of Egypt’s Pharaoh that there would be a seven-year worldwide famine. So, the Pharaoh made Joseph second in command in Egypt to stockpile grains in preparation for the famine.

The famine happened and learning that Egypt had food, the Israelites migrated to Egypt. In time, after Joseph’s death, succeeding Pharaohs subjugated the Israelites who became slaves in Egypt for close to 400 years –until the time of Moses who was sent by God to set the Israelites free.

In the book of Numbers, we see the Israelites out of Egypt, now on their way to the land God promised them.

The book is called Numbers, as Bro. Bo Sanchez pointed out: “Because two times in this book, in Chapters 1 and 26, God commanded Moses to take a census of all the people. So, literally, the people were numbered.

“Numbers is the newer title for the book. In Hebrew, the book was called Bammidbar, which means, In the Wilderness. And that’s where we got the title of our teaching series.”

Talk 1 is about how God took care of the Israelites throughout their journey.
The key message is God Is with You in Your Wilderness.
The lesson is: In our most difficult times, we are not alone. God is with us.

Talk 2 focuses on how the Israelites negotiated the wilderness—how they traveled and camped at the Lord’s command.
The key message is: Move when God moves; Stay when God stays.

Talk 3: Stop Complaining– Start Trusting

We continue our new series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

Just in case there are members who are not familiar with this story, start with this BRIEF RECAP:

Joseph, the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons, could interpret dreams. He dreamt that his brothers would bow to him. Hating Joseph for his dream, the brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, Joseph interpreted a dream of Egypt’s Pharaoh that there would be a seven-year worldwide famine. So, the Pharaoh made Joseph second in command in Egypt to stockpile grains in preparation for the famine.

The famine happened and learning that Egypt had food, the Israelites migrated to Egypt. In time, after Joseph’s death, succeeding Pharaohs subjugated the Israelites who became slaves in Egypt for close to 400 years –until the time of Moses who was sent by God to set the Israelites free.  

In the book of Numbers, we see the Israelites out of Egypt, now on their way to the land God promised them.

Talk 1 is about how God took care of the Israelites throughout their journey.  

The key message is God Is with You in Your Wilderness.

The lesson is: In our most difficult times, we are not alone. God is with us. 

Talk 2 focuses on how the Israelites negotiated the wilderness—how they traveled and camped at the Lord’s command.

The key message is: Move when God moves; Stay when God stays.  

Talk 3 presents a major problem of the Israelites while they are still in the wilderness.

The key message: Stop Complaining, Start Celebrating

Talk 4: Listen to God’s Voice

We continue our series, Wilderness, our teachxing series on Numbers, the fourth book of the

Talk 1 is about how God took care of the Israelites throughout their journey.

The key message is God Is with You in Your Wilderness.

The lesson is: In our most difficult times, we are not alone. God is with us.

Talk 2 focuses on how the Israelites negotiated the wilderness—how they traveled and
camped at the Lord’s command.

The key message is: Move when God moves;Stay when God stays.

Talk 3 presents a major problem of the Israelites while they are still in the wilderness.

The key message: Stop Complaining– Start Trusting

Talk 4 reveals the real, true reason for the long journey of the Israelites in the wilderness.

The key message: Listen to God’s Voice.

Talk 5: Celebrate Your Appointment

We continue our series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

We continue to accompany the Israelites through their walk in the wild wilderness—and learn about and learn from their foolish rebellions against God.

In Talk 3, they complained about how the manna lacked variety.

In Talk 4, they complained about how the Promised Land had giants.

Talk 5 is about yet another complaint– about the Priesthood. Because they were not included.

The key message: Celebrate Your Appointment

Talk 6: Move On—God Is with You!

We continue our series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

Throughout the Israelites’ long journey in the wilderness, God was teaching them one very important lesson. This is the summary of the message of Numbers in one sentence: The only way to survive the wilderness and reach the Promised Land is to trust and obey God. Any other path will trap them in the wilderness forever.

In Talk 6, we are approaching the end of Numbers.

The 40 years of wandering is almost over. The first generation that came from Egypt have now died or are dying. And a new generation—all born in the wilderness—are now ready to enter the Promised Land.

But alas, it seemed that someone else didn’t want to—Moses, their leader. Old habits prevented him from moving on.

Talk 6 presents why he was trapped in the past.

The key message: Move On—God Is with You!

Talk 7: God Turns Curses into Blessings

This is the second to the last talk of our series, Wilderness, our teaching series on Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible.

Throughout the Israelites’ long journey in the wilderness, God was teaching them one very important lesson. This is the summary of the message of Numbers in one sentence: The only way to survive the wilderness and reach the Promised Land is to trust and obey God. Any other path will trap them in the wilderness forever.

Talk 7 presents three lessons, in a gist:  When evil happens in your life, declare God is still in charge, God is still good, and God will turn curses into blessings.

Talk 8: Discern God’s Heart

We’ve arrived at the last Talk of Numbers.

Before embarking on their journey from Egypt to Canaan, the Promised Land, the Israelites held a census to know how many were taking the journey.

Because they did not follow God’s instructions, their journey took 40 years. This First Generation had now died—many in battles with tribes they encountered as they crossed one territory after another, or simply because of hardships in the wilderness.

Those who are now almost at the Promised Land are the children or grandchildren of the First Generation. So, God commands Moses to do a second census—to count, to number, how many are to enter the Promised Land. That’s why the title of this book is Numbers.

In Talk 8, we learn that not everybody gets into the Promised Land— those who wanted something else, those who did not really fathom what God wanted to give them.

The key message: Discern God’s Heart.

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