Table Talks (Taglish)

Talk 1: Lost Sheep
Talk 2: Matthew’s Table
Talk 3: The Greatest Party in the Universe
Talk 4: Damascus Road
Talk 5: Church Is God’s Idea
Talk 6: The Greatest Metric

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Table Talks

Community Recipes of Love

Talk 1: Lost Sheep

WELCOME to our exciting teaching series, TABLE TALKS: Community Recipes of Love. For the next few weeks, we’ll re-embrace our family identity, family vision, and our common strategy for fulfilling this high vision.

The series is titled TABLE TALKS: Community Recipes of Love because it’s about the eternal reality of God’s Love for us– which we must share with the unchurched. And we can best do this by inviting them to casual meetings around a table, especially having meals with them.

Talk 1, titled Lost Sheep, is about what our Feast does or does not do about finding and embracing those who have left our church and encouraging or inspiring those who have not joined us.

Talk 2: Matthew’s Table

We’re now in Talk 2 of our series, TABLE TALKS: Community Recipes of Love– which unpacks who we are—our family identity, destiny, and strategy to reach that vision.

Our mission is to reach out to the lost and make them disciples of Jesus. The way to make them follow Jesus is to let them experience God’s Love.

So, the key message of Talk 2 is God loves sinners.

Talk 2 is titled Matthew’s Table because the Talk is based on the story of Matthew, the tax collector who invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests. At that time, tax collectors were regarded as sinners because they extorted excessive sums on behalf of the Roman Empire occupying Israel. Jesus accepted Matthew’s invitation, demonstrating that He loves sinners.

And this is our mission too.

Talk 3: The Greatest Party in the Universe

We’re now in Talk 3 of our series, TABLE TALKS:Community Recipes of Love– which unpacks who we are—our family identity, destiny, and strategy to reach that vision.

Talk 3 is titled The Greatest Party in the Universe because it is about the party God invites us to join– for us to grow spiritually.

Talk 3 is based on the story of the Prodigal Son who takes his inheritance from his father, squanders it at parties, then goes back empty-handed to his father who holds a party for him for finally coming home.

At this party, there are three characters that can represent the three stages of how to grow spiritually.

At every Feast, God is holding a party of mercy! The key message of Talk 3 is Join the party.

Talk 4: Damascus Road

We’re now in Talk 4 of our series, TABLE TALKS: Community Recipes of Love– which unpacks who we are—our family identity, destiny, and strategy to reach that vision.

Talk 4 is titled Damascus Road because it is on the road to Damascus where the apostle Paul, once a Pharisee who persecuted Christians, was converted to Jesus.

The key message of Talk 4 is Everything is Grace.

Talk 5: Church Is God’s Idea

WE’RE now in the fifth part of our series, TABLE TALKS.

Jesus said we should pray in private (Matthew 6:6). But for some reason, God thinks this is not enough During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit birthed the Church. And house churches started happening. Since that time, early Christians met each week to pray together, break bread, and listen to God’s Word.

Two thousand years later, we’re still doing this at The Feast. Within large Feasts, we build Light Groups of 5 to 15 persons that meet each week for prayer and sharing.

But we also have Feast Lights which are like mini-Feasts that gather in homes, offices, schools, prisons, cafes—where people pray together, listen to a talk, and share together. Some grow big, but most stay small. These small groups meet regularly, know each other, journey together, and pray for one another. That’s church!

The key message of Talk 5 is Church is God’s idea.

Talk 6: The Greatest Metric

WE’RE now in the sixth and last part of our series, TABLE TALKS.

Talk 6 presents the ultimate answer to the question unpacked in previous talks: What does spiritual maturity really mean?

This Talk is crucial for The Feast because how we define spiritual maturity will define how we do church. If we have a wrong understanding of spiritual maturity, we’ll end up building the wrong church.

Talk 6, titled The Greatest Metric gives yes, the important metric or measurement of spiritual maturity or what we call holiness. We come to know this in the command of Jesus in John 15:12: “Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NIV).

So, the simple way to holiness is to Love like Jesus– which is the key message of Talk 6.

How do we know we are doing this right? What’s the metric of holiness?

Talk 6 presents 9 Signs of Spiritual Maturity.

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