Plenty (Tagalog)

Talk 1: Your Father Knows What You Need
Talk 2: You Have More Than Enough
Talk 3: Stop Taking, Start Receiving
Talk 4: Trust His Generosity
Talk 5: God Wants To Give You the Gift of Radical Giving
Talk 6: Peace is with You

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How To Live in God’s Radical Generosity

Talk 1: Your Father Knows What You Need

Why do we worry?

We worry because we feel we lack the resources we need to live a good life.If we see a world of scarcity, it’s easy to be afraid. If we see a world of scarcity, it’s easy to be selfish.

Countries also worry about lacking resources to survive. So, they explore for more resources, even to the point of going to war with other countries to have the resources they need.

But Jesus saw a universe of abundance, provided by our generous God.  Our brand-new series, PLENTY, presents how we can live in God’s radical generosity.

Talk 1’s key message is God knows what we need.

Talk 2: You Have More Than Enough

PLENTY, our brand-new Feast Talk Series, presents the reason we worry and go to war: We see a world of scarcity. But Jesus sees a universe of abundance.

Last week, Talk 1 assured Your Father Knows What You Need.

This week, Talk 2 assures You Have More Than Enough.

Talk 2 brings us back to the original template in the Scriptures—the first story in Genesis where God provided everything Adam and Eve needed—and more.

Talk 3: Stop Taking, Start Receiving

PLENTY, our brand-new Feast Talk Series, presents the reason we worry: we see a world of scarcity. But Jesus sees a universe of abundance.
Talk 1 assured Your Father Knows What You Need.
Talk 2 affirmed You Have More Than Enough.
Talk 3 shows us how to Receive and not Take.

Talk 4: Trust His Generosity

PLENTY, our Feast Talk Series, presents the reason we worry: We see a world of scarcity. But Jesus sees a universe of abundance.
Talk 1 assured Your Father Knows What You Need.
Talk 2 pointed out You Have More Than Enough.
Talk 3 advised: Stop Taking, Start Receiving.
Talk 4 teaches: Trust His Generosity by presenting a feast— a problematic party—where we learn lessons from the Cook, the Waiter, and the Party Host himself.

Talk 5: God Wants To Give You the Gift of Radical Giving

This is the last talk of PLENTY.

In Talk 5, we find out what Radical Generosity exactly means—through the letters of St. Paul to the Corinthians.

Some say the Bible does not talk about money. It does. St. Paul particularly asked for money from the Christian churches he organized to help the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem.

St. Paul’s amazing story about the Macedonians demonstrated how yes, radical they were in their generosity.

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