(The Lord is calling me for a Bigger Mission!)
Step 1 : Account
Create your Feast Video account on the Website: www.feastlight.com
Step 2: Activate your Account
To gain access to the Feast Videos your account needs to be activated. Email FV Admin to activate account: feastvideo01@gmail.com
Step 3: Visit
We urge you to visit a Feast Video near you: https://www.facebook.com/thefeastvideo
Step 4: Venue
Pick the day and time for you to share and watch the video together. We recommend a comfortable and quiet place, for the attendee to appreciate the video.
Step 5
The Feast Video is designed to be a one hour activity only. It’s really easy and simple.
- First 15 minutes: loosen up/ Opening Prayer
- Next 30 minutes: Play the video.
- Last 15 minutes: Group discussion about the talk
- Pray for them. Closing Prayer/ Invite them again next week!
Step 6: Novena to God’s Love
If you are already a Feast attendee, then you’ve come across the Feast Novena to God’s Love. We suggest that you give each first time attendee a NTGL Booklet where they can write their dreams, and Bro. Bo and the rest of the LOJ Family can pray for them. Or Download the App from Google Play.
Step 7: Tithing
“Bring the full amount of your tithes to the Temple, so that there will be plenty of food there. Put Me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of Heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things.” – Malachi 3:10
Tithing is one way to worship and to honor God as our provider, and remind ourselves that all of your resources and provisions are provided through His grace. When you allow people to Give during your Feast Video, you provide an avenue for them to Honor God and to be blessed as you too have been blessed through the Video.
The Best way to introduce the Love Offering Envelopes to your attendees is through a Sharer. Ask a generous tither to give a sharing on how tithing has blessed him/ her.
Step 8: Facebook
You can make your own Feast Video Facebook account where you can share your stories and pictures as well. www.fb.com/thefeastvideo.
Step 9: How to name your community?
The Feast Video + Specific Location or TFV + Specific Location (e.g. TFV Tektite, TFV Mahogany – Acacia, TFV ELJCC, etc.)
Step 10: Posters
If you need to print posters or hand outs, please email us at feastvideo01@gmail.com and we will send you a soft copy of the series poster.
Step 11:
We have regular events for The Feast Video Emissaries and servants, announced through emails blasts. Social Media and SMS.
What is an emissary?
An Emissary is the appointed facilitator of the Feast Video, an active Feast Video subscriber and a graduate of the TFV Emissary Trainings.
Our Events
Workshop on “How to start the Feast Video”
Boot Camp
Semi-annual meeting of all new registrants and existing Feast Video servants.
Emissary Gathering
Quarterly gathering and meeting of Emissaries
The Feast Video Congress
Annual Gathering of Emissaries and Future emissaries from all over the World, that involves a lot of Physical, Mental and Spiritual strength.
Message from the TFV Team
“The Path ahead will challenging, but through the Lord’s guidance and blessings, it will all be glorious in the end , fret not for we are here for you every step of the way. Be immensely blessed!”